Membership Safety Policies
The Hawthorne Caballeros, Drum & Bugle Corps, Inc. is an organization with a strong commitment to excellence; inherent in such a commitment is a responsibility for exemplary conduct by all corps personnel, at all times, on and off the performance field. Member of the Caballeros will maintain the highest standards of dignity and discipline during all corps functions, whether in-person or virtual, and will be attentive, responsive, and respectful during all such events. In all other forms of public expression, whether verbal, printed, or electronic, it is expected that a member will employ the highest levels of propriety.
The purpose of the Membership Safety Policy is to provide guidance regarding responsibilities related to being a member of the Hawthorne Caballeros. For the purposes of this document, a member consists of anyone who contributes to the overall Hawthorne Caballeros organization including but not limited to performers, administration, staff, and volunteers.
- Member Responsibilities
- Inappropriate Activity
- Harassment and Discrimination
- Violence During Corps Activities
- No Retaliation — Whistleblower Policy
- Member & Staff Interactions
- Background Checks
- Duty to Report Violations
- Concussion Policy
- COVID-19 Policy & Protocol
- Lightning Protocol
- Heat and Hydration
Member Responsibilities
All members of Hawthorne Caballeros are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with the normal principles of socially responsible behavior. Physical violence, hazing, bullying, theft, verbal abuse, drugs, and alcohol have no place in Hawthorne Caballeros. Any members determined to have engaged in unacceptable behavior may be expelled from the organization.
Members should seek assistance from administration or staff personnel, should they be confronted by inappropriate behavior, threats of violence, or other forms of bullying from other members. Members will be provided a formal mechanism for submitting incidents on record or anonymously.
Members must demonstrate that they will turn 16 years of age on or before Labor Day of the year they are a member. The Hawthorne Caballeros administration may consider requests for members younger than 16 if a parent or legal guardian is a member during the same season.
Inappropriate Activity
The Hawthorne Caballeros place extraordinary value on the health and well-being of its members, and on its reputation as a highly professional organization. As the corps is a private organization the Caballeros may make and enforce rules regarding the use and/or possession of illegal drugs, substances, alcohol, or weapons during any activity that is related to the Caballeros. It is understood and agreed that engaging in any inappropriate activity, including but not limited to the following list, will be grounds for immediate dismissal, and that in the event of dismissal for policy violations, a member will not be eligible for a refund of any tuition or other fees paid through dismissal. There will be no intermediate/warning step prior to this dismissal.
The Hawthorne Caballeros strictly prohibits any form of abuse towards Members, including but not limited to: Sexual abuse: the victimization of members by sexual activities, including molestation, indecent exposure, fondling, rape, and incest. Physical abuse: the bodily injury inflicted on members by other than accidental means including willful cruelty, unjustifiable punishment, or corporal punishment. Emotional abuse is nonphysical mistreatment of members, resulting in disturbed behavior such as severe withdrawal or hyperactivity. Emotional abuse includes willfully causing any member to suffer, inflicting mental suffering, or endangering a child's emotional well-being. General neglect is the negligent failure to provide proper supervision during corps activities where no physical injury has occurred.
Severe neglect refers to those situations of neglect where the member's health is endangered, including severe malnutrition.
Exploitation means forcing or coercing a member into performing activities that are beyond the member's capabilities or which are illegal or degrading, including sexual exploitation.
Anyone who believes that he or she has been subjected to abuse in violation of this policy, or who believes that this policy has been violated, should report the matter immediately to the Hawthorne Caballeros Administration. Failure to report, or supervisory inaction may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the Hawthorne Caballeros Organization and legal prosecution.
Illegal Drugs/Substances
The possession, use, and or sale of illegal drugs/substances is strictly prohibited during any Hawthorne Caballeros activities or events.
The use of any substance that impairs a members' ability to perform their duties is prohibited.
Illegal Distribution or Use of alcohol
The use of alcoholic beverages by members under the age of twenty-one (21) during corps activities is strictly prohibitied.
The use of alcoholic beverages by adults (21 and over) shall be sensible and responsible, and shall not take place during corps rehearsals, competitions, or at locations where alcoholic consumption is strictly prohibited, such as school property or rehearsal sites.
The distribution of alcohol of any kind to underage members is strictly prohibited,
Tobacco use is discouraged. Whenever conflicts arise, the rights of non-smokers will take precedence, The use of tobacco products is strictly prohibited at any schools utilized by the corps for rehearsals or performances, and members agree not to smoke on school property. Smoking is prohibited in uniform, and members agree that they will not smoke while dressed in full or partial uniform.
Periodically, the corps will travel to show venues in coach buses. The coach company sets the rules that are to be followed by the corps in these circumstances. Voice and noise activities are required to be maintained at an appropriate level so as not to disturb/disrupt the driver and/or other passengers. The coach drivers must be treated with the utmost respect.
Alcohol consumption or smoking in the passenger compartment of any coach or within facilities is prohibited.
Use/Possession of Weapons
The use and/or possession of weapons of any kind is strictly forbidden by the Hawthorne Caballeros and is grounds for immediate dismissal. This specifically includes weapons that are lawfully owned and carried.
The possession of contraband by members is prohibited. As used here, "contraband" includes any item or material that poses a risk of harm to any individual whether or not associated with the corps. "Contraband" includes but is not limited to weapons, flammable or explosive substances, firearms or ammunition, fireworks, controlled substances, and toxic substances. Contraband will be immediately seized, and appropriate disciplinary action will be taken in the sole discretion of the corps administration.
Harassment and Discrimination
The Hawthorne Caballeros are committed to creating and maintaining a positive and healthy atmosphere for all its members. Essential to this is an environment that is free from any form or threat of harassment. Harassment is a form of discrimination and includes any conduct that adversely affects a positive learning environment, including but not limited to actions or comments that are sexual in nature, violent or threatening violence, hazing, or demeaning, that the perpetrator knew, or reasonably should have known, would be unwelcome. Harassment leads to adverse impacts to the person(s) experiencing harassment as well as those around them, and negatively impacts the camaraderie we value. Harassment can take many forms, but generally involves conduct, comments, or display that is insulting, intimidating, humiliating, hurtful, demeaning, belittling, malicious, degrading or otherwise cause offense, injury or potential injury, discomfort, personal humiliation or embarrassment to a person or group of persons. The corps expressly prohibits harassment of any kind under any and all circumstances.
Hazing includes but is not limited to: any direct or indirect action or inaction that causes or poses a risk of harm to the mental or physical health or safety of one or more people; subjecting or encouraging any person to commit an act or omission for the purpose of causing shame, abuse, insult, humiliation, intimidation or disgrace; or any physical assault or battery, or threat thereof. Hazing is expressly prohibited by the corps under all circumstances.
Bullying will not be tolerated. In this context, "bullying" includes actions, whether threatened or real, towards or against any individual or group, whether by actions, words, gestures, symbols, or verbal or physical intimidation of any kind. It is designed to intimidate, embarrass, coerce, or shame an individual or group. Bullying is utterly inconsistent with who we are and what we strive to be.
Sexual Harassment
Sexual harassment is harassment, whether between individuals of the same or different sex, which includes unwelcome behavior or conduct of a sexual nature that is made, either explicitly or implicitly, a condition of an individual's experience, participation, or advancement in Hawthorne Caballeros programs or activities or the submission to or rejection of such behavior or conduct is a factor in decisions affecting that individual's experience, participation, or advancement in Hawthorne Caballeros programs or activities.
The corps provides equal opportunities to all persons without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status, in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws. This policy applies with respect to all terms and conditions of membership or employment, including hiring, compensation and termination.
The corps seeks to create an atmosphere free of discrimination and harassment in any and all forms, To this end, the corps expressly prohibits any form of unlawful harassment based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, disability, or veteran status. All members are responsible for assuring that the corps' workplaces are free from harassment or discrimination of all kinds. Improper interference with the ability of the corps' Staff to perform their expected job duties in a healthy and safe environment cannot be tolerated and may be considered grounds for immediate termination of your relationship with the corps.
All Members are responsible for participating in and assisting with creating and maintaining an environment within the Hawthorne Caballeros that is free from all forms of prohibited discrimination, including harassment and retaliation.
All Members shall cooperate with any investigation of allegations of violations of this policy. Providing false or misleading information or failure to cooperate may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the Hawthorne Caballeros.
Anyone who believes that he or she has been subjected to discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in violation of this policy, or who believes that this policy has been violated, should report the matter immediately to the Hawthorne Caballeros Administration. Failure to report or supervisory inaction may be cause for disciplinary action up to and including dismissal from the Hawthorne Caballeros.
All Members who receive reports of discrimination, harassment or retaliation shall maintain the confidentiality of the information that they receive except where disclosure is required by law or is necessary to facilitate legitimate Hawthorne Caballeros processes, including reporting, investigation, and resolution of allegations.
Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the Hawthorne Caballeros. Violations of this policy by persons who are not members of the Hawthorne Caballeros may be subject to appropriate legal action as provided for under law.
An individual's filing of a complaint or charge with any outside agency or entity will not affect any Hawthorne Caballeros investigation concerning the same or similar events.
Retaliation occurs when an adverse action is taken against an individual for engaging in protected activity. Protected activity consists of:
- Opposing conduct reasonably believed to constitute discrimination, including harassment, that violates an employment discrimination statute; or
- Filing a complaint about such practice; or
- Seeking an accommodation under this policy; or
- Testifying, assisting, or participating in any manner in an investigation or other proceeding related to a discrimination complaint.
Adverse actions that are reasonably likely to deter a complaining individual or others from engaging in protected activity are prohibited.
Allegation(s) of a violation of this policy that is/are made to any staff or administrator of the Hawthorne Caballeros.
Violence During Corps Activities
Any act of intimidation including menacing and harassing behaviors, threat of violence, and acts of violence committed against any person is prohibited.
All weapons, explosives, and fireworks, are prohibited on all land, buildings and equipment that is owned, leased, rented or under the control of the Hawthorne Caballeros or its affiliated or related entities, in all residential facilities (whether managed by the Hawthorne Caballeros or another entity), in all Hawthorne Caballeros vehicles and or vehicles rented by the Hawthorne Caballeros, and at all Hawthorne Caballeros or Hawthorne Caballeros affiliate-sponsored events and activities.
Any person experiencing or observing imminent violence in the rehearsal space, performance space, or otherwise should call the local Police Department at 911.
All incidents and allegations of violent or threatening conduct by Hawthorne Caballeros members (whether on-site, at an event or off-site) must be reported to the local Police Department, and the Hawthorne Caballeros Administration immediately. If either person determines that the behavior poses or has posed a serious threat to personal safety or to the welfare of the Hawthorne Caballeros organization or its members, the individual will not be permitted to return to any Hawthorne Caballeros buildings, properties, competitions, or events until an appropriate threat assessment has been completed and, if necessary, conditions for return are imposed. Hawthorne Caballeros Administration and local Police Department and other appropriate offices will coordinate the assessment considering the relevant circumstances.
Members must notify the Hawthorne Caballeros Administration of any restraining orders against any individuals who may interact or attempt to interact with Hawthorne Caballeros members. This may include members of the Hawthorne Caballeros.
Members found to be in violation of this policy shall be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination. Any employee/consultant who intentionally brings false charges will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination.
No Retaliation — Whistleblower Policy
Retaliation against any member, parent, volunteer, consultant, contractor, or supporter of the corps who raises concerns regarding potential violation of the law or of the corps' standards of conduct is prohibited. Retaliation against any individual for the good faith reporting of real or potential compliance and policy violations is cause for immediate and appropriate actions, up to and including summary dismissal from the corps in its sole discretion.
No member, parent, volunteer, consultant, contractor, or supporter of the corps, shall discharge, demote, suspend, threaten, harass, or in any other manner knowingly and intentionally discriminate against any individual in the terms and conditions of their relationship with the corps because of any act done by the individual.
- To provide information, cause information to be provided, or otherwise assist in an investigation regarding any conduct which the reporter reasonably believes constitutes a violation of state or federal law applicable to the corps or the corps' policies and procedures, when the information or assistance is provided to, or the investigation is conducted by any state or federal regulatory or law enforcement agency - any lawfully constituted investigative body; or - a person with supervisory authority over the individual or such other person working for the corps who has the authority to investigate, discover, or discipline misconduct; or
- To file, cause to be filed, testify, participate in, or otherwise assist in a proceeding filed or about to be filed relating to an alleged violation of state or federal law applicable to the corps.
Reports of real or potential violations of law or violations of the policies and procedures of the Hawthorne Caballeros shall be reported to the Hawthorne Caballeros Administration, who shall take immediate action as deemed necessary and appropriate in their sole discretion to protect the health and welfare of the members and all individuals associated with the Hawthorne Caballeros, up to and including reporting of the incident to appropriate law enforcement authorities.
Member & Staff Interactions
The Hawthorne Caballeros takes great pride in the high quality of its Staff. Being a Staff member of the Hawthorne Caballeros is a privilege, not a right. The quality of the programs and the safety of members call for exemplary adult leaders. The Hawthorne Caballeros works diligently to recruit the best possible staff/consultants and volunteers.
The Hawthorne Caballeros screen all individuals who successfully meet the requirements for Staff.
Applications for initial and continuing employment are strictly scrutinized, including all necessary and appropriate background checks, before an applicant is allowed to work for the Hawthorne Caballeros.
Conduct With Members
In order to provide guidance to Hawthorne Caballeros Staff regarding appropriate conduct and interaction with members, Hawthorne Caballeros has adopted the following policies. These policies have been adopted to ensure the safety and security of all members within the organization. In addition, the policies are designed to provide protection for staff from any improprieties and /or accusations that may occur.
One on One Interaction
One-on-one interactions are strongly discouraged between staff and members but are permitted in situations that require personal attention, such as individual feedback and/or instruction.
One-on-One interaction is to be conducted in plain view of other adults and/or members.
Should a situation require direct one-on-one interaction (such as a single staff member driving a sole member to camp), such interaction should only be permitted with the clear and direct approval of the member (if over 18) or the member's legal parent or guardian (if under 18).
Regardless of the situation, these instances should be avoided and occur where rare and exceptional circumstances have occurred.
Social Gatherings with Members
Any staff participating in social gatherings which include current members must recognize that such a function will be considered an official gathering of the Hawthorne Caballeros. All Hawthorne Caballeros rules and policies will therefore be in effect at such a gathering, and staff behavior must conform to all policies and procedures stated here in.
Social Media
Social media is an important tool to enable efficient communications of corps activities between staff, administration, and performing members. Staff communication with members will be channeled through corps specific social media channels. Staff are prohibited from requesting and/or soliciting Members who are minors to include them in their personal social media networks.
General Expectations - Staff are required to always respect the individual privacy of all members in all situations, including overnight accommodations, restroom usage, changing clothes, and showering.
When the Hawthorne Caballeros activities require an overnight stay(s), Staff are required to sleep in rooms separated from Members. The Hawthorne Caballeros administration will review special circumstances involving existing member/staff relationships, e.g., romantic couples, parent/child, etc.
It is the expectation that members will be provided with separate restroom and shower facilities.
In the event that separate accommodations are not available, separate times will be scheduled (i.e. turns) for member usage of the restroom, shower, etc.
Overnight stays require that adult supervision (both male and female staff, 21 years of age or older) be present. One of the adults serving in this capacity must be familiar with current Hawthorne Caballeros Policies.
Constructive Discipline
Discipline used in the Hawthorne Caballeros shall be constructive and reflect high values inherent within the organization. Senior management shall be responsible for the implementation of any disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from the organization.
Training and Supervision of Staff
Hawthorne Caballeros Administration will observe, monitor and provide guidance regarding the leadership and instruction techniques used by Staff. It is the expectation that Staff provide guidance and instruction in a professional manner that demonstrates respect and confidence in the individual member's abilities. Professional behavior is always critical and serves as a role model for expected behaviors of Hawthorne Caballeros members and staff.
Abuse of Power and Authority
Staff has the authority to set member schedules, status within their section and ultimately decide Member continued participation in the program. Because Staff has authority over many Member decisions, the potential for abuse exists. Inappropriate use of power and authority to benefit an individual or group of Staff members is strictly prohibited. Intimidation, harassment, sexual harassment, retaliation, and any other forms of abuse are strictly prohibited.
Hawthorne Caballeros Administration is responsible for monitoring and supervising staff behavior and ensuring member safety.
In the event of an allegation or suspicion of abuse as defined by this policy, Staff members will be removed from their responsibilities pending an investigation.
Conducting an investigation does not preclude the Hawthorne Caballeros from its responsibility to notify local authorities regarding any allegations or suspected allegations of abuse.
Professional Boundaries
Staff are to maintain and exhibit professional boundaries between themselves and Members.
Staff are expected to have professional relationships with members at all times.
Staff are expected to not show any form of favoritism toward any member of Hawthorne Caballeros.
Staff and Member Relations
It is the policy of the corps to prohibit any inappropriate interaction between any Staff and Members when either person is a minor (for the sake of this policy defined as someone of 18 years of age or younger). In this case, there should not even be the appearance of inappropriate actions.
Staff and Members should be aware of unintentionally or inadvertently invading the privacy of other individuals with video, picture and audio recording devices. The use of any device capable of recording or transmitting visual images in or near showers, locker rooms, restrooms, or other areas where privacy is expected is expressly prohibited.
All Staff persons must immediately report to local authorities any good-faith suspicion or belief that any Member is or has been physically or sexually abused, physically or emotionally neglected, exposed to any form of violence or threat, exposed to any form of sexual exploitation including the possession, manufacture, or distribution of child pornography, online solicitation, enticement, or showing of obscene material. This is a non-delegable duty that cannot be delegated or passed along to any other person.
Staff shall immediately report any such good-faith suspicion or belief, as well as any other violation of any policy of the corps to the Administration.
Any violation of this policy will be a ground for immediate and summary disciplinary action by the corps in its sole and absolute discretion and may include immediate and summary dismissal from the corps.
Background Checks
Administration, staff, and volunteers must provide criminal background checks (at their expense) to comply with the guidelines set forth by the State of New Jersey. These checks include: Act 34 clearance, and Act 151 clearance or background clearances through
Clearances must be no more than three years old and cannot expire during the competitive season.
Individual relationship with the corps will be determined after the criminal record check is completed, reviewed and your association with the cups approved.
The Release and the results of any background check will be kept strictly confidential by the corps.
Duty to Report Violations
It is the affirmative obligation of all members to immediately report in good faith any violation of the law or of the policies of the corps to anyone on the Administration. Should circumstances prevent such immediate reporting, any violation shall be reported as soon as reasonably possible.
Upon receiving any such report, appropriate action shall be taken to protect the health, welfare and rights of the reporting parties, supervisors, witnesses, and any other individuals involved. The nature of the complaint, the identity of the reporting party, and any other individuals involved shall be kept confidential until the matter is reviewed by the Administration.
The corps shall take any and all measures appropriate to investigate any violation of law or of the policies of the corps, including conducting interviews of the individuals involved and witnesses to any reported prohibited conduct, and review of written and electronic communications tendered for review. Should a complaint be substantiated, disciplinary action in the sole and absolute discretion of the Administration shall be taken, up to and including termination of the individual's relationship with the corps and reporting the incident to appropriate law enforcement officials.
False reporting will not be tolerated. Should it be determined after appropriate investigation that an allegation was brought based upon revenge, anger, dislike or any other improper motive, the individual or individuals making the false report will be subject to immediate disciplinary action in the sole discretion of the Administration.
Concussion Protocol
A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that impairs normal function of the brain. It occurs when the brain moves within the skull as a result of a blow to the head or body, What may appear to be only a mild jolt or blow to the head or body can result in a concussion.
The understanding of sports-related concussion continues to evolve. We now know that young athletes are particularly vulnerable to the effects of a concussion. Once considered little more than a "ding" on the head, it is now understood that a concussion has the potential to result in a variety of short- or long-term changes in brain function or, rarely, death.
Recognition and Management
If a member exhibits any signs, symptoms or behaviors of a concussion, the member will be removed from all activity and closely observed. Sustaining another head injury after a concussion can lead to worsening concussion symptoms, increased risk for further injury and, rarely, death.
Members are not expected to "diagnose" a concussion. That is the role of an appropriate health-care professional. However, everyone should be aware of the signs, symptoms and behaviors associated with a concussion.
Observed Symptoms (** Red Flags)
- ** Loss of consciousness
- ** Seizure
- ** Increasing Sleepiness
- ** Worsening headache
- ** Persistent vomiting
- Dazed or stunned appearance
- Confusion about assignments
- Forgetful, for example, doesn't follow instructions
- Clumsy movements 102.3.10. Slow response to questions
- Mood, behavior, or personality changes
- Inability to recall events prior to or after a hit or fall
Reported Symptoms by members
- Headaches, or "pressure" in the head
- Nausea or vomiting
- Dizziness, or balance problems
- Double or blurry vision
- Sensitivity to light and/or noise Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
- Concentration or memory problems
- Confusion
- Emotions of "not feeling right" or "feeling down"
When in doubt, sit them out
Members suspected of having a concussion shall be immediately removed from all activities and kept out for the duration of the day of the injury.
Ensure the member's parent/guardian is contacted and member is evaluated by an appropriate health-care professional. Red Flag symptoms should be evaluated immediately by Emergency Medical Personnel.
The signs, symptoms and behaviors associated with a concussion are not always apparent immediately after a bump, blow or jolt to the head or body and may develop over a few hours or longer. A member should be closely watched following a suspected concussion and should never be left alone.
Members should never try to "tough out" a concussion. Members should never encourage another to "play through" the symptoms of a concussion. In addition, there should never be an attribution of bravery or courage to members who play despite having concussion signs and/or symptoms.
Return to activity
After suffering a concussion, no member should return to activities on that same day. A member should never be allowed to resume activities following a concussion until symptom free and given the approval to resume physical activity by an appropriate healthcare professional. Once cleared to return to activities, the member should be slowly reintroduced to activities to allow the brain to re-adjust to activities.
COVID-19 Policy & Protocol
COVID-19 Vaccination
The Hawthorne Caballeros are committed to safeguarding the health and wellbeing of all of members and fans. As such, all Hawthorne Caballeros members must be 1 1 fully vaccinated against COVID-19, as defined by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) in their most current guidance. Should CDC guidance on vaccination against COVID-19 be amended during the course of the season, the corps' Administration will determine a timeline in which all members are expected to bring themselves back into compliance with CDC guidelines.
Protective Measures
The corps, informed by the most current recommendations of public health authorities, may require certain additional measures to reduce the spread of COVIDI 9. These may include, but are not limited to masking, social distancing, regular temperate check, bell covers, etc.
Facilities used to support corps activities will have the capabilities to support the adherence to COVID-19 specific CDC guidelines. This includes, but is not limited to rehearsal space, restrooms, eating areas, etc.
Member Choice
Members' choice to protect themselves above and beyond CDC guidelines will be respected and accommodated where possible.
Close Contact and/or Exposure
The Hawthorne Caballeros only operate on the weekends, presenting a larger potential for member exposé to COVID-19 outside corps activities. Members must report any potential exposure to COVID-19 to the a member of the Administration. The latest CDC guidance will be used to determine what testing and/or quarantine is required in order for the member to be permitted to return to corps activities.
COVID Symptomatic Members
Members experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 outside of corps activities, mild or otherwise, should contact a member of the Administration. Decisions on when the member may return to corps activities will be determined by the latest CDC guidelines.
Members showing initial symptoms of COVID-19 during corps activities, mild or otherwise, will immediately notify a member of the Administration, or staff, and remove themselves from the vicinity of corps activities. The latest CDC guidance will be used to determine member status and whether corps activities are safe to continue.
COVID-19 testing is an individual responsibility. The Hawthorne Caballeros do not provide or administer COVID-19 tests.
Lightning Protocol
It is imperative that all personnel are aware of lightning hazards. In the event of lightning during a rehearsal or event, precautions must be taken to ensure the safety of members. Any present member of the Administration will be responsible for monitoring inclement weather.
Lightning awareness should be heightened at the first flash of lightning, clap of thunder, and/or other criteria such as increasing winds or darkening skies, no matter how far away. Any present member of the Administration will be responsible for monitoring the progress of inclement weather using a Weather App that monitors lightning strikes. Any lightning strike within 8 miles will be an indicator to clear the field of rehearsal. Any present member of the Administration will notify the staff, who must immediately comply and have members move to a safe shelter. If a structure is not available for shelter, members should shelter inside a fully enclosed vehicle.
Outdoor activities should not restart until 30 minutes has passed since the lightening or thunder is seen or heard.
Heat and Hydration
Extended exposure to extreme heat can result in heat-related illness such as hyperthermia, where the body temperature rises as a result of not being able to properly cool itself.
Mitigating Heat Illness
Regularly scheduled rest periods will be provided to members. Members should make use of available shaded spaces to get out of the sun and cool off. Rest period frequency will be adjusted by the administration and/or staff based on factors including but not limited to temperature, humidity, and rehearsal surface. Asphalt, concrete, and turf fields can be 30% warmer than grassy surfaces.
Water will be accessible to each member during rehearsal. Fluids containing either caffeine or alcohol should be avoided as they can accelerate fluid loss and worsen heat exhaustion. Regular water breaks will be provided to ensure members are properly maintaining hydration levels. Water break frequency will be adjusted by the administration and/or staff based on factors including but not limited to temperature, humidity, and rehearsal surface. Asphalt, concrete, and turf fields can be 30F warmer than grassy surfaces.
Hats and/or headbands will be worn to shield the head and neck area from direct sunlight. Hats should be ventilated to allow heat to escape and sweat to evaporate.
Sunscreen (at least SPF 15) will be highly recommended to members to help reflect UV rays and help prevent your body from heating up.
Heat illness related symptoms include dry mouth, headache, head or neck heat sensation, general discomfort, dizziness, disorientation, nausea, thirst, apathy, chills, irritability, weakness, vomiting, excessive fatigue and/or decreased performance, profuse or no sweating, muscle cramps, or loss of muscle function. Any member experiencing any of these symptoms should stop all corps related activities immediately and seek medical attention.
Whistleblower Form
We take all reports incredibly seriously. All reports submitted will be reviewed by multiple parties not related to the organization. If you have experienced an incident you wish to report, please use our Whistleblower form.